Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Holidays!

The holidays are such a great time to be with the people that you love, enjoy great food and drinks and laugh, laugh, laugh. I have such a sweet tooth that I can't help myself when there are pastries and chocolates around. This is something I'm going to be happy is behind me: Christmas treats. My daughter and I also bake during the holidays, and while I didn't get to do too much this year, the things that we did bake, I ate wayyyyy too much of. I was reading Tosca's blog and she was talking about how if you miss workouts or slip up with treats, don't dwell - just get right back in, and so I will. I won't go into exactly what I ate. But I do feel bad about it now and this can be the catalyst that propels me into a much harder discipline. SO! Yes, this takes me to my lack of discipline. For some reason, I'm disciplined with housework, cooking (probably only because I have children and I have to cook - I've never been inclined to cook, but am very thankful that I now do), I am incredibly disciplined when it comes to school work and getting all of my assignments done and in on time, tests taken, &c. So why am I so fundamentally collapsed when it comes to working out? I love it. It doesn't take THAT much time, and I feel better than ever when I do. So why does it take a back seat in my life to every other possible thing? I'm still working on that answer...and I suppose the longer I think about it, the more it will not make any sense and I'll feel compelled for no other reason that pure logic to keep on top of this. After all, it does sound idiotic, and it reads just as immaturely. I think the one reason for my lack of pushing myself is because I'm tired. I have two babies (okay, one is six years old, but the other is 9.5 months old), I am a full time university student studying psychology FROM HOME and I have a husband that is not always the most supportive of my endeavours. It's tough. My son still wakes up to nurse in the night...right around the time I usually wake up to study: 4am.'s not easy. But I have to get it together with the working out. Just like my assignments are due at a specific time and tests need to be taken on a timeline, my body is the number one thing that should take precedence over everything else because without it, I can't do much, can I? So, then. Today, back in the game. I missed three workouts last week and desperately need me some cardio! Speaking of which, I asked Kim Leto the other day which cardio workouts she would suggest and she told me about this: and there's also one geared toward men on that website).
AND, I'm going to look into competitions here!


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