Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I love my body = commitment!

Because I'm just moving forward with my transformation, I may not re-read my previous posts and might repeat something I've learned, so please read all of it because I might add something new!
This morning I realized that I'm on day 2 of my workouts and I still have not taken a 'before' photo, so I'm going to do that today. And I shudder to think that I will be putting this out there. But this is a great way for me to push myself. Because it HAS got to get better than this.
Working out is hard work! Wow. I keep telling myself that this must be the reason I've started off so strong but then gave up because I was just plain ol' tired. But what I have been lacking is a complete and utter sense of commitment. That's it. I didn't commit to this - I didn't say to myself "You want this! It takes hard work so you have to be in it for the long haul". And besides, when you stop thinking that conditioning your body is WORK, it makes it alot easier to see it as something that is necessary. I know, I know, I have just begun so it's easy for me to say this now. But something has changed inside me. I can feel it. I was watching a youtube video of Miryah Scott the other day and she said two things that really struck me: "...if you eat like everyone else, you'll look like everyone else", and "The outside is a direct reflection of what's happening on the inside". Oh, it made me think of certain people that I knew growing up and their homes were complete disasters - messes everywhere all of the time - no order, complete disorganization and lack of structure and that's when it occurred to me: I hated that. I mean, I loathed it so much that if my house is in disarray (and with two children, that happens throughout the entire day), I can't think. I can't function at my best, I have a hard time studying and I get irritable. Why in the world have I let my body get out of order??
Okay so this is where I'm at. I have committed myself to this. This is what is happening in my life now and I'm welcoming it as a very necessary change in order to function at my best all of the time and feel great about myself. And my daughter got up early this morning and was championing me through the end of my last set of leg raises. Oh! That's inspiration!!
This is what I've started and what I plan for my workouts:
Week 1:
Day 1:
Cardio: Running in place 30 steps in between sets. Don't allow knees to come up too high, and keep your steps light and bouncy.
Weights (upper body, 3 sets x 15 repetitions, using 5lb weights): Dumbbell bench press, (run in place in between each set), Two-arm dumbbell row (again, run in between each set), Standing twisting dumbbell press (run), Overhead dumbbell triceps extension (run), Dumbbell Curl (run), Double crunch abs (to failure, which means as many as I can), Plank for 20 seconds each time and 3 sets, Side Plank, 20 seconds each time and 3 sets, Thread the needle for abs (30 repetitions and 3 sets), and finally the Superman, 20 seconds each repetition & 3 sets.
Day 2:
Cardio: Jumping Jacks, 20 repetitions in between each set for leg workouts.
Weights: 8lb weight, where needed. These are the workouts I do for my legs:
Dumbbell squat (3x15), Dumbbell Romanian deadlift (3x15), Dumbbell reverse lunge (3x15), Dumbbell side lunge (3x15), Dumbbell unilateral calf raise (to failure), Standing side leg lifts (3x20) and Standing back leg lifts (3x20).
Day 3:REST!
Day 4:
Cardio: High knees in between each set x 20 (each time)
Weights: upper body
Day 5:
Cardio: Butt kicks in between each set x 20 (each time)
Weights: lower body

For day 6 and day 7 I will be doing cardio only, continuing with cardio and upper body with weights on Monday! I'll be repeating this for weeks 3 and 4 as well. So far so good!

This is what I will eat today: Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, walnuts, almonds, agave for the sweetener and some light coconut milk. Snack: two hard boiled eggs, 5 large green grapes and 6 cherries. Lunch: Rice and organic chicken with kale and bok choi, onions and garlic. Snack: a whole pomegranite and a banana. Dinner: What I had for lunch, only with more veggies, more chicken and lots of spices. Yummy!!!

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